We are storytellers, designers and creative technologists eager to make your dreams come true. We value a close collaboration and dialogue, where we work together to define both the challenge and the solution.

Interactive art installation

How can we help

We can help you transform your initial ideas and dreams into fully developed concepts. Do you need help securing funding for your next project? Do you need help bringing your ideas to life, turning them into physical and digital experiences? Or are you looking for a creative partner to produce your exhibition? We will join you on the entire journey - from the initial idea to the final solution. We can help you bring concepts to life with carefully chosen physical and digital effects, leaving your audience curious and wanting more. Regardless of the specific task or challenge, our primary focus is always meeting you where you are, tailoring a process that aligns with your needs and ambitions.

Bringing stories to life

An artistic dissemination installation can bring to life a historical or artistic material that contributes an added value to the exhibition experience, because the framework of understanding is expanded. With unique aesthetic narrative techniques and digital tools, an installation is created that unfolds and contextualizes the exhibition theme.

Creating universes

In Yoke, we create living and sensual universes where visitors can lose themselves and immerse themselves. We create spaces for experiences that move. Spaces that tell good stories through carefully selected physical and digital tools. We want to engage, excite and surprise the audience by speaking to all senses and different learning styles. The journey there always starts with the content.

Hands-on installations

With digital tools, you can create unique experiences and recreate stories that the text on the wall or the objects themselves are not always able to do. The visitor can get very close to the core of history and the life lived, because with digital media you can subtly create moods and experiences that appeal to all the senses, contribute to new understanding, arouse curiosity and create a starting point for a dialogue.

Unified identities

A unique visual identity can subtly communicate an exhibition’s message and personality. It can summarize the exhibition’s common thread and arouse the curiosity of the visitors, so that they want to experience the exhibition and explore the exciting stories. At Yoke, the development of an identity is a central element of our work. This is where the project’s tonality and narrative merge and take shape.

Experiences at child’s height

Dedicated communication for children can create conversations and shared experiences across generations. The children get the opportunity to explore and experience the exhibition on their own, as well as take on the role of mediator and expert when they have to tell their parents about the experience. At Yoke, we always work dedicatedly with the target group when we develop experiences and narrative universes. This applies to everything from form of expression, narrative and means of action to accessibility and tests.

A circular mindset

At Yoke, we work with sustainable and circular design. This means that we would like to work with sustainable materials with a long shelf life when we develop exhibition and experience design, which can ideally be reused and rethought in new contexts. Specifically, we want to develop modular and circular special exhibition concepts for e.g. museums with the aim of delivering a modular product which, with a few easy steps and adjustments, can be rethought to form the framework for a new exhibition. The modules must be flexible and scalable, so that they can largely accommodate different exhibition formats and interchangeable content elements. They must also be movable and possible to combine in different ways, so that it is possible to create new spaces every time you have a new special exhibition.

Artistic explorations

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Brand spaces

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A selection of clients

Our expertise is experience design for museums, visitor centers and branded spaces. For us, it’s about transforming and shaping content into viable experiences, mixing digital and analog effects for maximum impact. Over the years, we have created projects with clients at home and abroad.

Business inquiries

We would love to hear from you! We are always thrilled to work with new clients who share our commitment to making a positive impact, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Steffen Winther
Commercial Director & Founding Partner